Episode 09: Individualism: How it Hurts Us

Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas is a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice with offices in El Segundo/South Bay and the Fairfax/Miracle Mile neighborhood of Los Angeles. Chris has more than ten years of experience working with a diverse population of people covering a wide range of problems. In particular, Chris has a special interest in, and an affinity for, anyone struggling with anger, couples negotiating conflict and mistrust, and anyone captured by the idea that they are failures in life.  

Chris' three tips for aging thoughtfully no matter our budget: 

1. Be in community! Don't isolate yourself. Have a family of friends or a book club or something you are doing with other people. I think it's essential.

2.  Walk. 

3. Don't forget sunblock - specifically this sunscreen: Josie Maran SPF 47 if you have sensitive skin like Chris and Marissa.


Episode 10: A New Age: Hollywood and Women


Episode 08: A Map Maker for Wild, Creative Hearts