Episode 04:Meditation as Respite and Source of Joy - Not Judgement

Jessica Snow

Jessica Snow is a meditative storyteller and energetic alchemist.

Jessica is consistently at the fore of the mystical zeitgeist.  People have pressed play on her meditations and podcasts over 82,000 times.

Since 2011, Jessica’s bright imagination, inclusive nature, and magical voice have made her a sought-out and beloved meditation guide in her hometown of Los Angeles.

Today, Jessica is a leader in the guided meditation movement and an authentic voice of the new new age.  She creates and leads inventive mystical experiences that are as profound as they are pleasurable.

Beneficial for both the first timer and the experienced meditator, her narratives are powerful original myths and fairy tales filled with symbolism.  By placing the participant at the center of each journey with her signature “spoonful of sugar” approach, she creates the gateway to mystical experiences.

Since starting crystal meditations with Spellbound Sky in 2012, she has guided hundreds of events with many thousands of people, written three books, created an expansive hypersigil of digital content and witnessed an extraordinary amount of magic.

Jessica’s main aim is always the same - to reconnect you with your own magic.

Free meditations on Jessica's site.

Jessica's Three Tips to Age Thoughtfully:

1)RELEASE:  Create some time, space or mechanism for releasing the past. I don’t mean this in a cognitive, psychological way. Maybe it’s when you take a shower – at the end of the shower, you let the water run on the top on your head and you watch the water go down the drain – washing things away. You can do this with guided meditation or drumming – drum it out. Maybe it is your workout where you, “leave it all on the floor,” as they say.

2) ROMANCING OUR IMAGINATIONS - Turning our imaginations gently so they experience: a) freedom – go ahead and picture whatever you want and b) let’s stretch ourselves in a good direction. So instead of worrying – and imagining things we don’t want -romancing our imagination is a way to start picturing and generating a new vision for the future. Jessica reminds us of how much negative imagery is going through our brains all the time. Let’s play with our daydreams.

3) TIME FOR CONTEMPLATION: Creating micro-pockets of time for some type of contemplation, and how I would define contemplation is checking in with the inner-being. Whether you want to call this your soul, your higher self, your inner-knowing – whatever word you want to put on it. External life is really in our faces all the time and there’s so much joy and power and new ideas inside us.  But that inner knowing, that inner voice is never going to scream to get your attention the way the external world is screaming to get your attention for various reasons and motivations. You might pull a card or light a candle – just creating those little tiny pockets of checking in so that the inner-being has its say as often ideally as the external world has its say. Because as the end of the day, we really do know what’s best for us and it’s quite often the polar opposite of what the external world might try to tell us will make us happy. We actually do know.


Episode 05: Intentionally Creating the Lives We Want to Live


Episode 03: Artist, Teacher and Mother of "Loosen-up-ism" and "Endless-possiblity-ism"